Tuesday, April 28, 2015


This post is dedicated to these wild and wacky boys.  

These two. These two little ones who challenge and frustrate me and show me a love deeper than I ever knew existed before them.  They challenge me and inspire me to show up as my best self every day and they forgive me and love me when I fail.  These two amazing human beings, showing up in a world that is so full of horror and despair, showing up to teach me, you, everyone, how to love and how to have faith and how to wake up.  They are mine and they are yours.  We've begun a journey together.  

I dedicate this journey and this sharing space to these two tender hearted boys.  They are from me, but not of me, for they are of something far wider, more majestic and wilder then I know exists.  

You are earth, you are stardust.